Sa oled nii hea kirjutaja, kui väärtuslikud on su lugejad ehk "too many readers could kill you":
In the age we live in, it is not enough to write quality blog content, you also need a new quality in followers, because reading and writing are inseparably related in more ways than it has been in traditional author-reader relationship.That is actually one of the reasons I do not like to write in Estonian newspapers. The problem is that newspapers like to sell my article to as many people as possible. They might even use banners on streets for that purposes. In the end the article will reach 80 per cent of people, whom I am not interested in addressing. If possible, I would just try to talk to the 20 per cent, but this is not so feasible for the general interest newspaper. So, in the end I am just satisfied with writing to the 2 per cent in my blog.
Yes, getting less popular may be a thing to do deliberately. It may make sense to cool down the growth numbers artificially. In some ways it can also work out economically, since where there is deficit, there is also more money. It is possible, that here we can see new kinds of revenue models coming, those that are based upon scarcity, more closed clubs and even membership fees may make kind of a comeback. Just speculating of course, but why not.