Lihtsalt lauseid, mis tundusid ilusad, Tony Kushner'i näidendist "A Dybbuk, or Between Two Worlds":
Beneath this earth there's another world just like this one, with farms and forests, oceans, deserts, cities, villages, great storms tossing great ships on the seas, terror in the woods, and ceaseless thunder; but in this underworld there's no sky, and no light, only a black ceiling of gravedirt and root-ends, not lightning bolts, no sun. That's the Talmud.
I yearn to see Paradise, the same as you, I have a soul that seeks the Fire.
Sure it's a sad place at night and I'll tell you why that is. The dead come to pray here at the shul at night, scattering their sorrows on the floor like dead leaves, leaving piles of sorrows all over the place.