Mōned lōigud Ken Auletta raamatu "Googled" neljandast peatükist "Googled". See peatükk on sellest, et kuidas Google võib hakata kaotama!? oma ülemvõimu, kuna (sotsiaal)meediad muudavad informatsioonile juurdepääsu.
I certainly believe that information creates value, rather than displaces it.
How come the New York Times or CBS didn't invent CNN? How come Sports Illustrated didn't start ESPN? How come AOL, which launched Instant Messenger, didn't develop Facebook? How come IBM ceded software to Microsoft? No one knows with any certainty where the wave is headed.
If you need four hundred slides to explain it, it really means you don't have a clue.
Consumers would pay $2.8 billion to download applications to their mobile phones in 2009, a number to rise to $13 billion by 2012.
Your phone will replace your credit card, your keys. It will become your personal remote control to life.
When someone demands to know how we are going to replace newspapers, they are really demanding to be told that we are not living through a revolution...
We're collectively living through 1500, when it's easier to see what's broken than what will replace it... Society doesn't need newspapers. What we need is journalism.
The fact that we don't see a solution today doesn't mean that it doesn't exist. This is about invention. One criticism I would make of many industries is that they've lost the ability to reinvent themselves.
And an entirely new class of books - user-generated serial novels written online - now appear on cell phones in Japan, and will elsewhere. For readers, a digital book, like a digital newspaper or magazine, offers a multimedia dimension: video, music, games, interactivity between author and audience.
The Internet is not just a platform. It's about interactive storytelling.
Critical questions: Who collects the data? Who owns the data? Who gets to exploit the data? Who's the gatekeeper? Who's the toll collector? These are key strategic issues that need to be resolved.
The Google model is based on getting users out of Google and to other sites, on maintaining the Internet as the primary platform. Facebook and other social networks seek to keep users on their sites, to become the hub of their online lives, to become their home.
Page and Brin often say that their ideal is to have so much information about their users that Google can devise an algorithm that provides a single perfect answer.
Information needs a social context.