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Quotista manifest
“What is the use of a book,” thought Alice, “without pictures or conversations?”
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Millal Sa viimati käisid Facebookis? Nähtavasti paar minutit tagasi. Vabandame, kui sa pole kunagi Facebookis käinud, aga selliseid inimesi jääb maailmas järjest vähemaks.
Aga millal Sa viimati raamatu läbi lugesid? Ükskõik, kas paberil või e-lugejas.
Raamatute lugemine on kindlasti harivam tegevus, kui Facebooki lugemine.
Kui Alice'i ajal oleks Wonderlandis eksisteerinud Facebook, siis oleks tema elu olnud palju lõbusam. Ta oleks saanud päevad läbi jagada ja vaadata pilte. Ta oleks saanud pühendada end lõpututesse vestlustesse. Ta oleks võinud tundide viisi lahata Märtsijänese (The White Rabbit) eksistentsiaalseid probleeme. Ja Alice oleks saanud tuhat korda like klikkida Kõvakübara (Mad Hatter) bravuurile.
Aga Alice on pärit raamatust. Ja raamatutest pärinevad lood ja lõigud, mis annavad mõtteid. Loetud raamatud on puhas inspiratsioon. Ja sotsiaalmeedia annab meile võimaluse inspireerida lõikudega raamatust oma sõpru.
Kuulutame välja lahingu Facebooki spämmi vastu. Kuradile tasuta iPhone'd ja Farmville lehmad. Me võitleme tsitaadidega. Algab quotistade revolutsioon.
Quotista on inimene, kes muudab Facebooki intelligentsemaks.
Pühapäeva hommikul (29.08) kell 10.00 algab quotista.com lehel shared qouting experience. Let's show Alice what is the use of a (face)book.
“What is the use of a book,” thought Alice, “without pictures or conversations?”
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
When did you last visit Facebook? Probably a couple of minutes ago. Apologies if you have never used Facebook, but there are less and less people like you today.
But when did you last read a book? On paper or e-reader, doesn’t matter.
Reading books is definitely more educational than reading Facebook.
If Facebook had existed back in Alice’s time, her life would have been much more fun. She could have looked at pictures day in - day out. She could have engaged in endless discussions. She could have delved into the White Rabbit’s existential problems for hours. And she could have “like”- clicked the Mad Hatter’s attitude a thousand times.
But Alice comes from a book. And books give us stories and paragraphs that feed us with ideas. The books we’ve read are often pure inspiration. And social media gives us the chance to inspire our friends with quotes from the books we’ve read.
This is a call to arms against Facebook spam. To hell with those free iPhones and Farmville cows. We’re going to fight with quotes. The quotista revolution is here.
Quotistas! – rise up and make Facebook more intelligent!
On Sunday morning (August 29) at 10 am (GMT+2) the Shared Quoting Experience starts at www.quotista.com. Let's show Alice what a (face)book is really for.